"It hurts and I feel very responsible for the elimination"


Mario Salas was very critical and regretted how sleepy his team was. He did not want to talk about failure and said that a big goal had not been achieved.

"We can not give as much, as Colo Colo did.The first time, it was very low, in the second we changed and improved, we created situations, fines" , began Mario Salas after the elimination of Sudamericana.

"It hurts and I feel very responsible for the elimination" he added. The "commander" was asked if it was a failure. "We have not reached an important goal, we did not have the tools to get through the phase, it will change and we will remember that day we have to be able to take advantage of these things."

"We have generated six or seven and we have not been able to define it, it is a new opportunity to continue to improve and learn," said the TD.

Before closing, Salas said: "We must turn the page and try to return to international tournaments, the most important tournaments, such as Libertadores".

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