The pope asked to raise "even more challenges" than the arrival on the moon but focused on the Earth


On Pope Francis recalled Sunday the arrival of man on the Moon 50 years ago and encouraged to face "even greater challenges" but centered on the planet Earth as the protection of the weak or protection of the environment

"Dear brothers and sisters, yesterday, 50 years ago that the the man put his foot on the moon, making an extraordinary step ] "recalls the pontiff after the prayer of Angelus Dominicans from the window of the apostolic palace.

Then, Francisco, in front of hundreds of people who listened to St. Peter's Square, urged ] Meeting the Earthly Challenges

"So that the memory of this great step forward of Humanity arouses the desire to progress together towards even more ambitious goals: more dignity for the weak, more justice for the peoples and more for our people, common home " the plan Earth, he wanted.

The pontiff refers to the accomplished feat on July 20, 1969 half a century ago, when man first reached the only natural satellite on Earth, in concrete American astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin who were the first to walk on the moon

A feat that was closely followed and celebrated by the pope of the # 39th Paul VI ] with his close collaborators of the astronomical observatory of the summer palace of Castelgandolfo, near Rome

After the moon landing, the pontiff sent a message to the three American astronauts – the third, Michael Collins . he stayed in the space module orbiting the moon – blessing his mission.

"Honor, greetings and blessings to you, conquerors of the moon, pale light of our nights and dreams, Wear with it, with its living presence, the voice of the Spirit, the hymn to God, our Creator and Father, "said part of the pope's message, today holy.

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