A Chilean gymnast lost her Proddar scholarship for her role as a mother – More sports


© Agencia Uno.   A Chilean gymnast lost her Proddar scholarship for her mother

Makarena Pinto stopped receiving her 500,000 pesos because of the long inactivity caused by her pregnancy.

24horas. TVN


The gymnast Makarena Pinto lost her purse Proddar for a long period of inactivity, because she was pregnant and became a mother thereafter . 19659007] In a publication published in El Mercurio it was stated that the athlete was receiving 500,000 pesos a month from the National Sports Institute (IND), but this payment was blocked for 15 months.

The reason for this is that Pinto would have been out of competition for longer than what was thought to be a mother, not to mention that the prominent Chilean gymnast was part of the world. team that makes a month qualified for Pan American Games .

"For me, it was super weird. I competed a month ago at Pan American Gymnastics, where we achieved a historic feat for the discipline, as never before did a women's team did not qualify for the Pan American Games "he said.

"I competed only on the ground and on the jump, and my two notes went into the final sum, so I do not understand what was taken into account ." [19659008Pintowillhavetoappealthisdecisiontocontinuetoreceivehisscholarship


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