A comedian is brought to justice in Spain after blowing himself with the flag | The society


A Spanish comedian appeared before a judge on Monday after being denounced by "offense or outrage to the symbols of Spain" for having blown the country's flag at the time of his death. 39, a television gag.

"As a citizen of this country, I am a little worried because we place a clown in front of a judge for his work and that worries me a lot because of the image he gives of my country and my flag, "said the comedian to the press Dani Mateo at the end of the hearing

A judge of a court in Madrid acknowledges the complaint filed against him by a police union.

On the controversial scene, is broadcast on a humorous program with a large audience on the channel. The Sexta at the end of October, Dani Mateo sneezed and blew himself with the Spanish flag.

At that time, he wryly sang a series of apologies, stating that he did not want to "offend the Spaniards". I'm king, let alone the Chinese who sell these clothes. "

" The flag symbolizes the union of a people. To respect it Do not do it, it's not humor, it's to offend those who feel it with pride and those who gave their lives and their efforts to defend the values ​​of peace and freedom they represents, "denounced the Civil Guard on his Twitter account. [19659007] #Bandera symbolizes the union of a people # The respect
Do not do it n '! is no humor, it is offending those who feel it with pride and those who gave their lives and effort in pursuit of the values ​​of peace and freedom that they represent #MiraQueEsBonita pic.twitter.com/0sKlKKQRZo

– Civil Guard ?? (@guardiacivil) November 1, 2018

Many Internet users, humorists and Spanish artists have been persecuted in recent years years for their statements, their jokes or the lyrics of their songs, what has uscité a lively debate on the freedom of expression in the country. 19659002] The same Dani Mateo has already gone to declare Before a judge for an alleged offense related to religious feelings, he finally filed a joke about the ugliness of the mammoth cross which crowns the mausoleum dictator Francisco Franco, near Madrid.

Rapper Valtonyc escaped in late May in Belgium after being sentenced to three and a half years in prison for "excusing terrorism" in his songs. Spain claims extradition.

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