"A dream come true": Pep Guardiola and his satisfaction of leading in the English Premier League | Soccer


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File | France Media Agency

Pep Guardiola coach Manchester City said training in England was "a dream come true" after receiving the Football Award Writers Association

The Catalan coach conquered the Premier League last season. He won nine of the first eleven games in the English league.

"I'm lucky to be here in your country, England It's amazing. Since my childhood, I had long dreamed of coming here to your country and training here It's a dream come true . "

Manchester City won 32 of its 38 Premiership games last season, with a record 106 goals in favor and 100 points in its locker.

"I want to share Of course, this price is for the entire Manchester City family because I know it's a real family," said Guardiola.

"I know people say we have a lot of money, that's true, but still it's amazing the people I work with and I'm happy to be here ", said the former coach of Barça and Bayern, 47 years old.

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