A fierce Chilean team falls to Argentina in their second match


The Chilean National Basketball Team played its second game at the South American Sub 21 in Salta, Argentina. After falling in the debut against Brazil, those led by Daniel Frola lost against local 57-54. It was a match fought that was defined in the last seconds in favor of trans-Andean.

The first quarter even began, with Arroyo, Haase, Low, Picket and Captain Herrera forming the initial quintet. The Madrid Students' Foundation handled to the team at the time that the NCAA pívot made it a space. The man from the Merilsheim Crailsheim of the Bundesliga has penetrated and maintained the equality that reigned in the partial. 16-15 finished the first 10 minutes in favor of the Argentines.

Although in the second, scoring production declined, also driven by the local brand, the entrance of Rubio energized the Chilean team and Barra's height contributed to the defensive work. With the fight on the surface, the same match and a last-second double Haase, 30-28 was summed up the score for the trans-Andes before the break.

For the third quarter appeared a fierce and aggressive game of Chile. So, this has been in the advantage for several minutes until a triple from Andreatta turned the score. In the closing seconds, one of the two free throws that scored Nacho Arroyo left in one the difference in favor of the local (42-41). However, at that time, the game was not planned and everything remained to be defined in the last 10 minutes

Already in the last quarter, Argentina brought out the best of its game. Although at no time he was superior to Chile, he managed to take advantage of seven points that the Red, white in Salta, could not reverse, despite a good return in last few seconds that brought the nationals and maintained the tension. Until the last moments

On the numbers, Felipe Haase (15) and Sebastián Herrera (21) were the most scoring, followed by Kevin Rubio (6), Diego Low (4) and Ignacio Arroyo (4) . ). This Wednesday, against Paraguay, will be Chile's third game in South America 21.

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