A filtered art of the Avengers 4 shows who are the heroes who will save the world


https: / /cdn.gq.com.mx/uploads/images/thumbs/mx/gq/2/s/2018/ 26 / un_arte_filtrado_de_avengers_4_muestra_quienes_son_los_heroes_que_van_a_salvar_al_mundo_7922_620x413.jpg

The war of the infinite ended in tragedy and uncertainty, nobody knew what was going to happen later or how the studio was going fix all the chaos that he caused, and Marvel did not give a single idea so that, at least, we could stop worrying about the future of our favorite characters. that a new film was on the way and that many things were going to happen in this new chapter, which could very well be the last one for Tony Stark and company (and the first for Captain Marvel).

Avengers log They survived Thanos and the glove that he used to disappear half the population of the universe (to save him, no?), But in the world of comics everything is possible and no one says that those who have disappeared (We are not ready to say that they are dead) They could certainly come back, with a little help from those who stayed.

Avengers 4 is one of the most anticipated films in the Marvel Universe, and although we did not yet know the title or details of the story , or if it would really bring back all those who, for the moment, they are not, a filtered image confirms who will participate in this last battle for humanity.

The poster that is already circulating on the Internet shows a few regulars next to Captain Marvel, who will join the team in this new film, and confirms that Ant-Man has managed to survive (though it's not a good thing). there is no sign of The Wasp anywhere) and he will also work with the rest of the Avengers / Guardians of the Galaxy to beat Thanos once and for all (maybe).

We still have to wait a few months (hopefully not for years) for Avengers 4, but this art is a good first clue.

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