A huge art installation burst into the Villavicencio tower


At the age of 14 and not knowing it was an art, Janet Toro (1962) built her first installation: a set of spoons and forks hanging in the living room, which aroused family turmoil and preceded a series of already professional jobs. under the same dynamic. In Germany, where she lived for 15 years, the artist has developed the series "Naked House", which offers, among other actions, to exhibit his most everyday objects suspended in his apartment, to reflect on things that happen. say about their owners and seek to blur the boundaries between public and private. And then came more performances and installations of the same line.

"I am interested in going beyond the usual limits of comfort and creating a space for imagination, that is to say, not to remain conservative and scholarly, open to other possibilities. for knowledge and thought, "says Toro, who returned to Chile four years ago and who has just developed a concept of interventions in the buildings of Santiago.

This series of installations is called "Urban Intersubjectivity". She refers, in the words of the artist, "to the critical relationships we establish with the city and the places where we live, love and work" and begins tomorrow with the work "The torre vive" that It ends in the Villavicencio tower, the historic property that until the beginning of 2017 was the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense. In April, it was declared uninhabitable by the Ministry of National Property – its current owner – and will soon be used for a series of repairs. It must be used for new uses (there has been talk of gardens and children's offices, among others).

"This tower was dead and there was some darkness, my idea was, with this work, to generate the opposite: to recover the real impulse that occurred during the construction of this set buildings, "says the designer.

Hanging Clothes [19659002] "The Tower Live", to be installed until December 3, consists of 140 objects hanging on the west facade of the Villavicencio Tower.

"There are clothes, office equipment, chairs and tables, I collect at fairs and donations," says Toro. And it also tells us that the previous work of the installation was arduous: besides several visits from risk prevention specialists and other experts who ensured the safety of the project, the team prepared all the furniture with reinforcements and she sewed all the clothes herself. clothes with hooks, so that they do not deform in waves

This work, authorized by the Ministry of the national goods, was materialized with private resources and the artist herself, thanks to the work of the collective ArteUrbe. In addition to this, the architect Fernando Toro Cano and the lawyer Mara Fernanda Toro – two nephews – join her, alongside the civil construction company Javiera Martnez.

Felipe Ward, Minister of National Goods, emphasizes: "The Villavicencio tower is a C & # 39; was a political and social cone, but this has never been the place of artistic intervention and it seems perfect that this work by Janet Toro is installed there. "He adds:" The doors of the ministry will be opened to receive proposals of other artistic installations. "

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