A lifestyle: Gueye and her special way of defending a turn that has become viral | International


The Russian World Cup gives for everything. That day, there was a moment when the Belgian Michy Batshuayi took advantage after the goal of Adnan Januzaj

The above was not the only thing that stood out, since in the match between Senegal and Colombia was produced another fact that was very commented on social networks. We talk about the "weakest defender of the world"

Idrissa Gana Gueye drew all the attention for his dissatisfaction in the corner that ended for the purpose which gave him the victory and qualification to Colombia .

Senegal's No. 5 stood on the stick as though it was anywhere but in a game that defined the fate of his team in the World Cup. Yerry Mina nodded and Gueye with his hand on his waist did not hesitate to try to prevent the conquest

Eventually, Senegal failed to equalize the score and was eliminated from the global meeting by the criterion of "fair play" to equalize in all with Japan

Then we leave you with the game and with the comments of the fans

You no longer want to work on Senegal number 5 than I do today. pic.twitter.com/8NyFkTB9u7

– ⚡DΔniel_Z ▲ (@DZJupiter) June 29, 2018

The 5 of Senegalese represents me every day of the pic.twitter .com / 1T1C2HPbbb

– Thomi (@Avellanedathomi) 29 June 2018

The Negro of Senegal has the same desire to live as me pic.twitter.com/5q2B1VQz1m

– Flanders (@ Peke32100) 29 June 2018

I am the defender of Senegal, I watch life pbad pic.twitter.com/ SLORQ8syds

– BRON5ON (@diegokct) June 29, 2018

The Senegalese defender who is in second place is the same "Tú tranquilo". He will say that the one who has to stop is the goalkeeper. 19 pic.twitter.com/KEBvp24tMx

– María Fernanda (@ 9MFernanda) 29 June 2018

The reaction Idrissa Gueye. The number of 5 from Senegal #Sen believing that Colombia #Col would not make Gol hahahaha. pic.twitter.com/i9OIPsNSQI

– @The_Tuitero (@The_Tuitero) 29 June 2018

If you think Messi is cold chest is because you still do not know Idrissa Gueye. # Russia2018 pic.twitter.com/0eCmfnpoxI

– Danielitoh Olarte (@ DeidaraSempai45) June 29, 2018

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