A nun left her habits to become a porn actress porn


Although life often takes several turns, Yudy Pineda turned 180 degrees. The 28 – year – old Colombian, who was training in a convent, decided to leave the habit for love and today earns his living in the world of online badgraphy .

His story was popularized after an interview with Caracol Radio . Pineda explained that she was a very young Catholic and that she wanted to become a religious after moving to the city of Urabá.

  A Colombian nun left her habit and quickly became a bad actress bad.
A Colombian nun gave up her habit and quickly became a bad actress bad.

At 10 years old, the girl entered the convent and stayed there for eight years s. "I felt so happy," he said. But something made her change her mind: she fell in love with the catechetical professor . This pause made him rethink his decision and preferred to leave the habits.

His new life was to begin in the city of Medellin. The first job he got was at Nestle, where he met Juan Bustos, an entrepreneurial philosopher who created the country's first "university" to prepare webcam models, those women who undress in front of a camera. photo on badgraphic sites. Without hesitating, Pineda did a casting and they hired her. Every 15 days, he records about 40 hours and receives more than $ 2,500.

  Yudy Pineda, 28, said that he continued to go to church and would not change jobs.
Yudy Pineda, 28 years old. she badured that she would continue to go to church and that she would not change work

However, the ex-monk never stopped to go to the church . "At first I felt bad, but no longer, I feel very good when I go to church, I feel very calm, very calm, when I go in, I try to to leave as decently as possible, on Saturdays and Sundays at Mbad, "he said in a radio interview.

Pineda reported that the priest of the chapel had tried to persuade her to change jobs, but that she had refused. For the young woman, her work is "dignified and artistic" and she considers that it has "nothing bad".

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