A preventive prison for the accused of killing a friend during a fight in Ñuñoa


In remand, Claudio Morales, 24 years accused of stabbing and killing a young man in full brawl in the municipality of Ñuñoa.

The alleged perpetrator of the attack has been formalized. for the badbadination of that person, for the attempted murder of two other young people – whose risk is vital – as well as for the serious injuries sustained by a fourth person.

The altercation began with a discussion after a young man had asked a member to take a cigar.

As announced at the hearing, the deceased was a friend of the aggressor and had received the mortal wound when he was trying to separate him from the fight Morales confusing him with a person The Attorney César Moya explained that "these young people are cursing, then mistreating, pushing each other, and finally the defendant pulls out this retractable cane, this knife, that white arm with which starts to hurt different people."

"Among them, the person who approaches his back, trying to calm him down, is the knowledge of whoever stows this white weapon into his body, causing death later", he declared.

A 100-day search period was awarded. It is asked if there is a camera in the area where the attack took place.

Previously, the municipality of Ñuñoa and the investigation of the Attorney General's Office and the PDI have ruled out a direct relationship between a post-PSU party that had unfolded yesterday at Ramón Cruz Park and the fight which ended with one dead and several wounded.

NOW: Preventive imprisonment of a 24-year-old accused of being stabbed and killing a friend in the middle of a fight in a square of Ñuñoa. Two other people are in danger @Cooperativa #CooperativaTeEscucha Most people do not feel like them. pic.twitter.com/VN69nttFox

manifested by acts of violence

The inhabitants of Villa Frei protested tonight and held a meeting because of the dissatisfaction aroused by acts of violence that they say frequent.

Although the group of about 60 people did not want to talk to the media, a neighbor did, he who badured Cooperativa that the municipality did not did not listen.

According to her, " many times, they urinate before you, they seize you and you are afraid to see that you belong to this department because they retaliate ." [19659016] [ad_2]
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