A promising Colo Colo cadet is judged at the Seville branch


This is Juan Sebastián Ibarra, a Colombian who was left in the center, but who was returned by Manuel Crespo and Pablo Guede in 9.

Juan Sebastián Ibarra is Colombian and arrived at Colo Colo for try his luck in 2016 . There he was recruited for the cadets and Manuel Crespo with Pablo Guede caught their attention. So, that he did a pre-season at La Serena with the first team.

In principle, the coffee maker came as a central or left side, but the Argentineans converted it back to 9 and started scoring a lot of goals. His 1.85 meters high at the age of 18 helped him

Ibarra was part of the Crespo team champion in the last semester and scored 14 goals, which has attracted the attention of Seville Spain. So, that they took it to a test.

Video | Juan Sebastián Ibarra, young Colo Colo in Seville

He was already in Getafe for a while and, according to the Diario de Sevilla, "the evolution of this player born in Cúcuta (Colombia) the 11- 11-99 was very striking, Ibarra, who has just renewed his contract with Colo Colo, made two appearances with the first team and attracted the attention of several European clubs "

In addition, he could make his debut Tuesday for the Sevilla branch, Sevilla Atlético, to see the steps to follow with his career .

This is not the first time that a Colo Colo cadet is testing in Europe . Remembered is the case of Branco Provost, who spent the Manchester City youth team for a few weeks

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