A Red "Gato": Silva was formalized as a reinforcement of Independiente of Argentina | Soccer


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Independent / Official

The Chilean midfielder Francisco Silva was made official on Thursday as a backup to Independiente de Avellaneda against the second half of the season 2018 -2019.

The & # 39; Gato & # 39; was declared transferable by Cruz Azul de México, the club that hired Argentinean Iván Marcone instead, and immediately coach "Rojo", Ariel Holan, said his desire to have the flying of quite for the next challenges

The Argentine journalist Juan Ignacio Egido, who follows Independiente, revealed that the winner of the World Cup with Chile in Brazil 2014 is practically ready in the "King of Cups". "Independiente will end the week with three reinforcements: Carlos Benavídez, Guillermo Burdisso and Francisco Silva," he said.

And the information was ratified today. "Francisco Silva signed his contract with #Independiente. Red continues to arm to go all ?", wrote in social networks the official account of the institution.

On his way through the cement machine, the Quillota native scored nine goals in 56 games. In addition to Cruz Azul, Silva has defended the homes of the Catholic University, Ovalle Sports, Osorno Provincial, Osasuna, Club Brujas and Jaguares de Chiapas.

The 32-year-old midfielder has a major double in America with the "Roja", the 2010 National Tournament and the 2011 Chile Cup with UC, as well as the Belgian Cup with Club Brugge in the 2014-2015 campaign.

The third reinforcement of the King of the Cups!

Francisco Silva signed his contract with #Independiente . Red continues to arm to go around ?

#BienvenidoAlRey Francisco! #TodoRojo ? pic.twitter.com/Vfe96PRz8k

– CA Independiente (@Independiente) June 28, 2018

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