A UC shirt that saved a Chilean journalist in Croatia


That football crosses borders and does not know languages, are phrases that have been heard over the years in different situations. A sport that ignites pbadions and unites people, no matter where they come from.

Something that the Chilean journalist knew well Roberto Cox who was also correspondent of the Chaîne 13 in Europe. And it is on the border between Bosnia and Croatia that football has come out of an uncomfortable situation.

When he was about to pbad from Sarajevo to Croatian territory, where he was sleeping in the bus, he was suddenly awakened by a policeman with "a face of little patience", as he tells in his Twitter account.

After trying dozens of positions, I managed to fall asleep. I slept "peacefully" when I felt an unfriendly shake. We had reached the border and a big cop with a little patience woke me up suddenly by uttering strange words that looked like Croatian.

– Roberto Cox (@CoxRobertoCox) July 18, 2018

Up to now, but Cox remembered that he had in his suitcase a bottle of mate grbad something that could be misunderstood by the security forces, as they could be interpreted as illicit substances such as marijuana.

Said and done, the herb to prepare hot tea caused the strangeness among the police who focused their attention on the bottle.

the policeman called a colleague. Three have arrived. Again the same thing. The smell, the touch, etc …
While exchanging opinions in Croatian, they have me looked from the corner of the eye. At that time, I imagined calling the consul
but at that time, the unthinkable happened

– Roberto Cox (@CoxRobertoCox) July 18, 2018

An embarrbading moment that would end unexpectedly, and here it goes back to the initial history of football. In his suitcase, the journalist was wearing a Universidad Católica T-shirt which, according to the story, had been taken by one of the agents and stretched out in front of the others.

See UC Ridge The uniform said that he knew the team, and from there changed all relations between the Croats and the communicator.

The police officer in question spent a few seconds contemplating the shirt and gave the order to close the pot. Already with a kinder face told me to save everything and go back in the bus. After trying to prove his knowledge of Chilean football, he said goodbye with a sweet "have fun".

– Roberto Cox (@CoxRobertoCox) July 18, 2018

To see the whole thread, click on the following tweet

The next thread has to do with a difficult time at the border between the Bosnia and Croatia and how a football jersey served to solve the situation.

– Roberto Cox (@CoxRobertoCox) July 18, 2018




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