# According to LuisDimas: selection of the biblical triangle of the singer (including a video of Alejandra Fosalba)


Commotion caused the words of singer Luis Dimas, who badured that the actress Alejandra Fosalba was then insinuated.

In an interview with Saturday magazine, where he remembered his film "Takilleitor", the Chilean film all the time, one of the New Wave voices told how the actress had approached it with dark intentions.

"Alejandra Fosalba is insinuated to me, I was rich." And when are we going to have a good time? "He asked," When we are over old, I said I do not like to involve with compañeras because you lose " Dimas badured

However, the singer himself had to downgrade the profile Event, stating that "a thing that never existed and will never have existed. . Alejandra is a big star, very crushed, and in any case I would insinuate her because it's beautiful against everything and everything else, but it's nothing, we're just friends for years. "

This situation caused a stir in social networks, where the hashtag # SegunLuisDimas went viral and even Alejandra Fosalba wanted to say something about it on his Instagram.

# According toLuisDimas Laura in America is really pic.twitter.com/geNlAL6GT1

– Boris (@kurt_boris) July 18, 2018

# According toLuisDimas 7 lukas of comfort will be returned with interest and four free reels for each pic.twitter.com/jUVEtBg5tU

– Iron ♥ ♪ (@ AnaCons5) July 18, 2018

# According to LuisDimas we live in the best times .. pic.twitter.com/mWC5jNIZiQ

– The AntiArchitect (@soy_el_vedo) July 18, 2018

# According toLuisDimas pic. twitter.com/VHw1IafEW5

– Tata Tuitero (@_ErickFernandez) July 19, 2018

# D after LuisDimas Elvis Presley copied the hip movement … pic.twitter.com/0rhIEs4W2Q

– Joaquin Hidalgo (@joaquinhidalgoo) July 19, 2018

# According toLuisDimas he fell in love with Alejandra Fosalba with his calugas … pic.twitter.com/8SZ0egsONG

– fabrysistem (@fabrysistem) July 19, 2018

# D & # After LuisDimas Reinaldo Rueda called him to replace Claudio Bravo thanks to his feline reactions pic.twitter.com/szmffdAbnz

– A kind of monster (@TuurnThePage) ] 19 July 2018

# According toLuisDimas in Baradit he hacked the account.

– Gabriel (@Madzergling) 18 July 2018

# According toLuisDimas He suppressed the tweets in Baradit and paid the pension to the children of Claudio Reyes

– Gustavo Sotovic (@ gatm80) 19 July 2018

# According toLuisDimas
Pinochet died in prison.
And Lucy came to Chile because she loves our country.
And the link, apparently, serves to prevent oxygen from reaching your head.

– Carlos. (@CarlosIdoo) 19 July 2018

# According toLuisDimas Parived is the livelihood of the house …

– MeLlevaElChanfle (@terriblechanfle) 19 July 2018

# According toLuisDimas ] he wrote the false letter that is attributed to the DT of Croatia

– Maca Anastasiadis (@MacaAnasta) July 18, 2018

# According to LuisDimas 50 shades of gray were based on his life

] – એડ્યુઆર્ડો ઓલગુઇન (@Negro_Yayo) 18 July 2018

# According toLuisDimas @AFosalba still searching for it

– Ramírez11 (@naldoramirez) ] July 18, 2018

# According toLuisDimas
Now that yes, joy is coming !!!!

– VladimirC.Montiel (@ Vladimi28731392) July 19, 2018

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