Admission 2019: University careers with greater employability


With nearly 300,000 registered, the capitulation of the UAP began in 181 localities of the country. A Critical Measure for the Admission Process in 2019.

Students who take the language, mathematics, history or science tests will have to wait until Dec. 26 to see the results and begin the application process. universities attached to the single admission system.

The Minister of Education, Marcela Cubillos, l seduced the students who had returned the UAP for them to inform them before choose a higher education institution and reiterated that "the Mineduc provides accessible to students and their families, the portal which offers financial, academic and professional accreditation to different institutions of higher education. "

It is from this portal What are the most employable careers?

According to portal data provided to, public management engineering positions itself as the career with the highest number of first-year graduates (98.9%), surpbading obstetrics and early childhood, which a few years ago was at the forefront of this indicator.

Revise the list of the 10 most successful university degrees in first year of bachelor's degree

Type of institution Generic diploma Employability 1 year
Universities Engineering public administration 98.9%
Universities Obstetrics and child care 98.8%
Universities Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals 97.9% [19659011] Universities Pedagogy in Differential Education 95.5%
Universities Civil Engineering of Mines 93.1%
Universities Civil Electrical Engineering 92, 9%
Universities Engineering in Mathematics and Statistics 92.8%
Universities Foreign Trade Engineering 92.6%
Universities Medicine 92, 4%
Universities Pedagogy of Mathematics and computer science 92.1%

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