Again hostage? The "impossible figure" that prevents shooting Sampaoli in Argentina


The continuity of Jorge Sampaoli as coach of the Argentine national team will be defined in Buenos Aires when Casaldense and AFA's board members will return to the country after the Failure of the 2018 World Cup in Russia, They were eliminated in the second round by France

The trans-Andean media confirmed the news. TyC Sports said that " Claudio Tapia (president of the AFA) was in conversation with the coach in the homecoming, to let pbad a few days of the painful elimination of Russia 2018. The leaders did not ask for the resignation of the coach "

" The truth is that both the president of the AFA and the first vice president, Daniel Angelici, have spoken with Sampaoli in the last hours and have agreed on something: the talks to define the future of Albiceleste will be in Buenos Aires, once everyone is back and that the injury of 39; elimination has already closed as much as possible "added the aforementioned newspaper.

In addition, they added that the AFA " unilaterally contract Sampaoli, if the DT shares, it will be by mutual agreement, because the AFA does not envisage not take the 20 million dollars coming out to make the decision to kick the coach " Millionaire motive

On the other hand or, the newspaper Olé indicates that the reason why the former coach La Roja still does not receive the blue envelope is due to the high clause that it exists to finish early with his contract with Argentina. In addition, a new disadvantage was added, which indicates "an impossible number" to pay.

" The main, if not the only, reason why AFA leaders do not do it Jorge Sampaoli is removed from office because of the high cost of the cancellation clause, evaluated to 20 million, and the problem is even greater because of the devaluation of the Argentine currency "he says.

of trans-Andean football " is not convinced of its continuity " but they badure that " is not able to face the money that should be paid " to Casildense.

] With the devaluation of the Argentine currency, the amounts fell to the water: when he took office in June of last year, the dollar was traded at $ 16.33, while Today it has risen to $ 29.40, the difference? Million pesos, an impossible number ", sentence.

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