Alejandro Camargo and the leadership of the UdeC: "This merit is not six months" | Soccer


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Daniel Pino Escobar | UNO Agency

Alejandro Camargo Traveler and Captain of Universidad de Concepción, claimed that the exclusive management who now holds the cast of & # 39; Campanil & # 39; in the National Championship is "deserved" and says that "we always imagine to be standing".

The team led by Francisco Bozán took the advantage last weekend by beating the Palestino 3-2 on Friday and taking advantage of the draw against Deportes Iquique in San Carlos.

Consulted in case the management of the penquista table is deserved, the Argentine nationalized Chilean told CDF News that "obvious that it is deserved.We win because we have worked well We must continue to strengthen things It is a merit not for six months, but for much longer. We understand each other better and we must reaffirm things to be leaders ".

Regarding the triumph over the "Arabs" in the Biobío region, Mendoza said "was just the result. He leaves us landmarks and we are calm . We must continue to work. "

In addition, Camargo clarified that currently the short-term goal is" to go game by game. "I could not tell you if we think we're second or continue to win If I tell you now, I'm lying to you.We are here to improve and do things right. "

Finally, the 29-year-old man said that" we always imagine being in place. What has not been given before is something else. The intentions were those and for football, we had to be third parties. The ambition is to fight, we work for it and today we reach it. "

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