"Alexis is at United what Torres was in Chelsea" »PressFootball


Friday, October 19, 2018


The former Liverpool player compared the situation of the Chilean striker to the arrival of the Spaniard to the Blues, claiming that the best years of Tocopillano had already pbaded and you see a player with too many kilometers on his legs. "I see that history is repeating itself," he said.

Alexis Sánchez's stay in Manchester United has been far from being planned. The tocopillano has received more criticism than praise, going so far as to be told that Chile is considering leaving the "red devils". For former British midfielder Jamie Carragher, the problems of the former Barcelona player go beyond the team where he plays.

"The best years of Alexis are gone, it is Manchester United what Fernando Torres went to Chelsea, a player who grew up to reach world clbad status but lost his explosiveness and could not I never see it again – I see how history repeats itself with Alexis – it seems like a footballer has too many miles in his legs, "said the former Telegraph player.

The former Liverpool player said that in this type of striker, "there is a clamor to play on the part of supporters and the press, so that they do not After so many games, they suffer many injuries and burn much earlier than the defenders and midfielders. "

Carregher recalled the series of injuries that Fernando Torres had suffered in his time with the red ". to a completely different player. "No one knew about it, attributing it to the poor performance of a team that was not working." At the training, we saw that it was something more than that, explained the company. 39, former midfielder.

"The news from Arsenal during the last months of Alexis at Emirates was very similar to the one he had mentioned about Torres.They attributed their poor performance to the end of the Arsene Wenger era, but whatever the circumstances, no player plays evil intentionally, "concluded the Englishman in his column

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