Alexis suffers watching the World Cup in Russia: "There are selections that are there and that give the rage"


" I am angry at not going to the World Cup, we have seen selections that are and are angry, we could have been ." The sentence of Alexis Sanchez sums up the feeling of many Chilean fans who follow day by day what is happening in Russia by watching teams that have not even scored points.

The Manchester United player spoke in the middle of an activity with his sponsors and the mandatory subject was the World Cup, where his friend and teammate in the Red Devils, Romelu Lukaku, plays for Sanchez " is fine, I hope he's the scorer We talk every day about WhatsApp, we go everywhere together, we talk of what is missing from the team, I, him, we get along very well. I think Belgium will be world champion. "

Of course, for that, the tocopillano knows that He must first confront great players like Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo who " have a lot of experience and have not played every game of the season to to compensate It happened in 2015 in Copa America, we must save energy or pbad the bill. "

Copa America that the former Barcelona wants to win again in Brazil 2019, in addition to " make more goals as a historic striker ". For this he knows that Chile needs all the players, so asked for a reconciliation in the Red's locker room between Arturo Vidal and Claudio Bravo.

"They are mature, intelligent and want to give them joys to the national team I want to win titles and we are not Brazil or Argentina, who have 50 players we are Chile and that is the reality, until now there is not much spare, and We must put things aside and solve them. That 's not a Bravo, a Vidal or a Alexis Sanchez, you have to put things aside, "said the historic striker of the national team

. replacement operation that DT Reinaldo Rueda has already started and "liked how he played the national team." There are many young players who like to attack and touch the ball, they can perfectly playing against Brazil.With the experience of players like the one that I can contribute I could be much better. "

Finally, Ale xis talked about the location of the national team: " I feel better here at Nacional than at Monumental. " When people shout, it hurts us Here I feel at home, here we beat Argentina. So when people shout and FIFA punishes us, hurts us ", was the request of the attacker for Chilean supporters to stop the racist and homophobic cries that led to the suspension of the stadium.


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