Alfredo Ábalos and the most important party of Temuco in its history: "We will be protagonists"


Waiting is what is lived in Temuco these days. The cast, which is chaired by Marcelo Salas, will play tonight at 20:45, the most important match in its history: it will face San Lorenzo de Almagro in Argentina at the stadium Pedro Bidegaín, also known as the "New Gazometer ", for the second round of the Copa Sudamericana.

Pije players traveled to Buenos Aires on Wednesday and are completely focused on playing against one of the big teams of the neighboring country. And in this line, the trans-Andean midfielder Alfredo Ábalos will be one of the game's players, as he advances towards El Gráfico Chile, highlighting the importance Match.

Here are our warriors !!!
Tomorrow we will announce the initial 11 and those who will be in the banks … #VamosTemuco
With todooooo !!! #Sudamericana

– Club Deportes Temuco (@Temucooficial) July 25, 2018

"This is one of the the most important games in the history of the club, we will face it seriously, with the responsibility of baduming expectations, to make a good match for that ", said Ábalos

The midfielder is clear that they will face a team with a copera tradition. San Lorenzo was champion in the first edition of the Copa Sudamericana, in 2002 and was also a semifinalist in the 2016 version. However, he has faith in what Deportes Temuco will do: " We will continue As protagonists of the tactical system, how we will handle the game, we must be focused, because the party can go through many things, we must not be attentive " he argued

. replacing the Dalcio Giovagnoli dismissal, Ábalos acknowledged that the atmosphere was unpacked because the results were not positive. "These are things that happen, with the l & # 39; Miguel's arrival, there is a clear idea to be protagonists, to play with intensity, we have adapted little by little. "

Temuco prepares everything for this first step, not leaving aside the national championship, since they will face San Luis in Quillota, this Sunday at 15 hours in order to leave the last positions of the table.

] Ministerial Greetings

On the meeting of Temuco in South America, the Minister of Sports, Pauline Kantor, greeted the albiverds on Twitter and wished them to win

@ temucooficial in his match against @SanLorenzo of ??, the only Chilean team with participation in Copa Sudamericana and nothing less than in his 1st international tournament. A great team that represents a wonderful city that vibrates for the sport ¡Vamos Pije!

– Pauline Kantor (@kantor_pauline) July 26, 2018

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