Alison Mandel's strong response to accusations against his friend Nicolás López


This weekend, a series of accusations of harbadment and badual abuse against the director Nicolás López was published

The denunciations made by eight national actresses, among which ones to find Lucy Cominetti, Josefina Montané and María Vidaurre, continue to arouse reactions in the world of entertainment.

One of the last to talk about it was Alison Mandel, who is a friend of the director of Je suis Loca.

Through his account Instagram, the actor began by noting that "I am deeply touched by everything that happens, with Nicolás we have cultivated a long friendship and it hurts me and disappoints to learn the facts "

In addition, he added that " I have never seen Nicolás harbading women in this way, and I have never told him since the beginning of the year. intimidation or mistreatment ", baduring yes hub iera known of these attitudes would have done something.

Regarding what was reported by the victims, the actress was categorical: "I do not dispute the stories of harbadment."

Alison also pointed out that they "come out to light this kind of acts," adding that "I do not understand why misogyny is perpetuated by harbading and interrogating women about the facts, in the hope of finding fault in us. "

a presumed film based on the Me Too movement that Lopez was preparing, stating that" he n & # 39; There was never a budget or distribution, just an informal conversation without knowing that it would serve as a shield against the accusations "

Finally, he closed the subject by saying that " I do not deny the friendship of years, but I can not either keep silent. "

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