All Boston Puzzle Tokens Set Up


Los Angeles – The Leader Alex Cora described himself last night as a "piece of a great puzzle" evoking the Boston Red Sox who won the title. title of World Series of the Major League Baseball with a 5-1 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers .

The Puerto Rican refused to badume the credit despite the milestones marked as a pilot as being the fifth in the history of the Majors to win the championship in his first year at the command. He also became the second coach of Latin America to be crowned, after the feat of the Venezuelan Ozzie Guillén in 2005 with the Chicago White Sox .

"Realization in this campfire and this team is not easy.We have a great coaching staff and an organization that takes care of their players and their families. thanks, we were able to do the job, "said Cora in the midst of the Dodger Stadium field celebration.

Cora put a lot of emphasis on the words family and riddles to emphasize the union of the club and the teamwork of the club.

" After calling, I traveled to Fort Myers and met Chris (Dirty), David (Price), and Jackie (Bradley) and he is there that we started sowing the seed ] ", added Cora in reference to the concept of family that he wanted to promote within the team. "And this (the championship) is the fruit."

When it is put in the context where he is only the fifth rookie leader to start winning a ring champion, he chooses not to give him so much weight.

" No I know … I feel it afterwards and I live it, but it's them, the players, the families, the organization." they've done in the year, I'm only part of the puzzle, and it's an extremely gigantic puzzle, and we're now the champions. "

At the press conference Cora acknowledged the Dodgers' quest for the second consecutive season of a world series, although both fell without being able to lift the trophy. champions. With this setback, Los Angeles adds its thirtieth year without getting to the top of baseball.

"I would like to congratulate the Los Angeles Dodgers for this fantastic season, its owners, the management, my friend Dave Roberts (the leader) and the players.It's not easy to come back at the World Series and they did it.They do a lot of good things here.I know it's strong, but they should be proud of the season that they had. "

Steve Pearce , the first baseman of the Red Sox, was chosen best player of the world series. He hit 4-2 last night, with two points scored and three RBIs, thanks to his two homers, including the first inning that gave Boston a 2-0 lead and he did not get it. never lost.

a trip to life, and being here now is a dream come true, "said Pearce, who concluded the fall clbadic with eight RBIs, the second highest number for a Boston player In World Series, surpbaded only by the nine that he pushed in 1986, Dwight Evans.

In addition, Pearce signed three tours in the series, joining Evans, Larry Gardner, David Ortiz of the Dominican Republic and the Hall of Fame Carl Yastrzemski as the only Bostonians to have three circuits in the same world series.

"We are the champions. To be able to open the next season at Fenway Park with the ring ceremony and all that is included, and love the pennant as the 2018 champion, I would love to, "added Pearce.

On the side of club losers, the Dodgers, the atmosphere was bleak.For the second night in a row, the locker room was silent And to say that the Dodgers had won the marathon match of seven hours and twenty minutes on Friday and that 's the same. they had won Saturday 4-0 until the home fell on them. A second win in this game would have equaled the series and forced the return of the clbadic to Fenway Park.

Celebration again on the Boston Red Sox road to be crowned World Series champion Today at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles #SerieMundial

Posted by The New Day on Sunday, October 28, 2018

But now, the Red Sox will travel alone to Boston, but not to play, but to party with their city and their fans. [19659006] " Disappointed Yes, disappointed, there is only one team that can win, and we know it, but it hurts when we move forward and when we Doing this for two years in a row does not make things any easier, "said left-hander Clayton Kershaw, starting the game last night for the Dodgers, who took the backhand for the second time of the series after losing the opening game in Boston.

"I can not say enough about our team, and all year long, when it was not good, our boys stayed together, followed the walk, and believed in each other. gave the chance to win a championship and it's not easy to go to the World Series where two teams play to the end.We have been several times against the wall and we could have fallen at certain points, but we've found a way to win games, "said Roberts, a Dodger rider.

David Price, also left-handed, made another brilliant performance and won his third consecutive playoff start as well as the second in the World Series. He made seven dominant innings, allowing only one race product to race and eliminating five. 19659022]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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