Alleged harassment allegations against Don Francisco


This Friday, Don Francisco has become one of the most discussed topics on Twitter due to the publication of a column by Laura Landaeta titled "The Harbadment of Don Francisco: The Pioneer of the" 39; " article "on television." [19659002AlasuitofaccusationsagainstNicolásLópez the journalist, who wrote a few years ago the unauthorized biography of the animator, decided to detail some cases of badual harbadment and abuse of power which are him accountable. 19659003] In the article published in El Mostrador, Landaeta says that Mario Kreutzberger, "hidden in entertainment and solidarity has generated around him a halo of impunity in the face of abuse of power, harbadment , to discrimination in humoristic routines laden with machismo, clbadism and contempt for badual minorities, the elderly and people with different abilities. "

This impunity with which he worked on television is one of the most important points the attention of the writer, which indicates that those interviewed in his book have pointed out that Don Francisco used women as an object, and changed the badual favors in the locker room.

"The women on his work team spoke to the facilitator was" dangerous ". "You had to walk with the poto for the wall," they remember until today, half joking, half serious, added.

Landaeta also accused that "not only did the labor doors close when I started the investigation, but also I received anonymous and anonymous threats for my book."

"Don Francisco's circle of protection on Chilean television, many of whom are faces and opinion leaders who reappear from time to time in the The Telethon – which is 40 years old this year – is very much alive In public, they refer to him as if it was an ecclesiastical dignity. In private, they comment but take care of themselves. But times change, idols fall and untouchables can be touched " he added.

Finally, Landaeta says that "I write this chronicle to refresh the memory, because abuse and harbadment, in the world of television entertainment, did not start with Abreu or with Nicolás López, left with Don Francisco. "

Social networks reacted immediately to accusations, where the majority of users condemned the actions of the host.

Well, I'm going to sit with kids of corn to watch the fall of the disgusting sacred cows of Chilean television.
It's time. 19

– -paula- (@ 11p01) July 6, 2018

this mr. it was always a needle … in front of cameras and all … Do not be surprised

– Nati (@TopitoNat) July 6, 2018

Don Francisco is the one who carries the standard of badual harbaders in this

– Barbara Britto (@barbarabritto_v) 6 July 2018

The fame of Don Francisco as a stalker is the elephant in the Chilean television play. It was still known but very few people wanted to talk or learn about it

– Natalia Salas Vargas (@clasicandfresh) 6 July 2018

For all those who have a bad memory in the 80s, there is still talk of harbadment of Don Francisco, and several models have denounced even the argandoña … and then denied it … and I was small and knew controversies.

– Odiosito (@donodioso) July 6, 2018

Another good day to see the fall of the harmful songs. Yesterday it was Baradit and Ortega, and today one of the most fat fish, Don Francisco

– Valentina (@Valenamory) July 6, 2018

This n & rsquo; Is not new at all, about 10 hours 12 years ago was published information about harbadment complaints by Mario Kreutzberger (I refuse to tell Don Francisco) that ultimately has nothing concrete and the guy continued on television, to see if the story is not repeated

– Cristian Valenzuela (@SK_Arkhanus) July 6, 2018

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