Amazing: gymnast Makarena Pinto lost her sports purse just to be … mom


As incredible as it may seem, in Chile it seems that sometimes they acquire the criteria of a draw. The gymnast Makarena Pinto who had qualified a month ago with the gymnastics team at the Pan American Games in Lima 2019 withdrew her Proddar Scholarship, awarded by ;Institute. National sports, consisting of 500 thousand pesos a month. The reason: just to be a mother.

Strictly speaking, this financial badistance is given to high-level athletes, depending on their results. The gymnast, did not participate in the competition for 15 months after giving birth, therefore, is a logical fact that she could not maintain that peak of performance .

The athlete "is very strange, I competed a month ago at Pan American Gymnastics, we had a historic feat for the discipline, my notes went into the final sum , so I do not understand what was taken into account to withdraw the purse " and adds that those who made this decision, " are warm in their offices, are hired and receive twice the salary " , shot.

Sport Minister Pauline Kantor approved the measure: "The high-level athlete scholarship program, known as Proddar, has all its regulations, its legislation and we can not skip the steps (…) It has a regulation that you must respect and today is the technical panel, the one that must reconsider or not, according to all the antecedents that it presents, "noted .

According to statements by the Secretary of State, Makarena Pinto may appeal the measure. in addition to which he will be supported by MP Erika Olivera and the High Performance Athletes Association (DAR Chile).

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