Amazon Farm Agreement with the Russo Brothers


  Amazonian Society signed with the brothers Russo

Mexico City – Joe and Anthony Russo Known for their work in the Marvel franchise Avengers signed a contract with Amazon for a project with the streaming service, reported The Hollywood Reporter.

Details on the future work of filmmakers have been kept, although Amazon has described that they will be a series of large-scale international events, and that the Russo brothers will have creative freedom for their supervision.

"The Russo brothers influenced the barometer of the creativity of the excellence of pop culture with their vision for the bands ] Avengers : War in the Infinite and Captain America: civil war, "said Jennifer Salke, head of Amazon Studios.

"They have brought such a level of scale and execution to those films that have raised the bar for the public from all sides, and we can not wait for them to do the same. for this project for Amazon Prime customers. "

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