An abandoned selection that at least managed to arm a dignified goodbye – 30/06/2018


You must love the Selection, you must take care of it. Never leave him. This is the number one lesson that gives this Russian adventure just finished. A generation of footballers who knew how to move and leave the heart is sent back.

While nothing is blamed, Messi, Mascherano and company thank the World Cup for a dignified epilogue reserved . From miracle to miracle, thanks to the different winks of this fantastic game, they qualified in the round of 16 against a big, like France losing 4 to 3, but regretting that Di María has diverted this center of Meza that Fazio was preparing might have become the biggest feat of this universal competition.

  The sad and lonely finale of a Lionel Messi barely seen smiling at the World Cup

However, just as he could have equaled the result, the difference in the game was brutal . In this item, that of the idea, the concept, the execution and the individual capacities, Argentina lost by a landslide . The most serious thing is that this other defeat did not even mitigate him with a genius in his team. Nothing is Chance

All that was left of Argentine football was the national team that, for these players, had survived a tsunami of irrationality of leadership : 38-38 in an election in which 75 representatives voted and in four years three presidents of AFA (Luis Segura, Armando Perez and today Claudio Tapia), plus three coaches of the Major (Gerardo Martino, Edgardo Bauza and Jorge Sampaoli). They entertained themselves with their political miseries, left the national team and, when they wanted to save it, it was too late.

  Chiqui Tapia, the last of the three presidents that the AFA had in four years. (Juano Tesone, special envoy)

Chiqui Tapia, the last of three presidents of AFA in four years. (Juano Tesone, Special Envoy)

Argentina did not stay out of the World Cup on a whim of fate. This was also not an isolated 1-6 friendly event with Spain. Now he could not beat the beginner Iceland, was beaten by Croatia, broke the last in Nigeria with the miracle of red and closed a beating in the development against France. For something here, from the first day, it has been noticed that Argentina is challenging the logic.

It's a shame. The national team does not deserve such abuse . Neither a selection like this deserves the people, who have vibrated there and in every corner of the planet, that here the players feel like locals. There is no value of Messi . A team is not just a phenomenon. It is not configured from one day to the next. Football seems simple, but it's not so much.

  France beat Argentina and sent it home "src =" "data -big =" https : // "data-small ="[19659011] In this difference of freshness and speed that France has exhibited, in this plan developed with sagacity to express in depth the virtues and weaknesses of others, the abandonment of a selection that has not renewed and that resigned himself to a double command between the coach, Messi and Mascherano in the home stretch to avoid goodbye in the first round. </p>
<p>  <strong> Argentina looked like a team from another era </strong>. Slow, announced, predictable. France Naked with its freshness, with explosion, with a clear plan in the zero to zero and with a mortal search in this small little disadvantage. Even without knowing that France was going to play like this, Argentina could counter it. </p>
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  France baffled Argentina and gave it a knockout. (Juano Tesone, special envoy)

France baffled Argentina and gave the knockout shot. (Juano Tesone, Special Envoy)

Spend time for everyone. Also for this generation. And in the field, it has been shown with the utmost cruelty. The Gauls have flown, ours have moved in slow motion. The Selection, among so many changes of leaders and coaches, has never been recycled . That's why she ended up defending her prestige the best she could, hanging on to a great team in age, history.

Players are not responsible for the fact that the coaches on duty did not fire the spare part. If the technicians did not rejoice, it is not the problem of Messi and Mascherano. Emergencies all devoured. There is also no certainty about what would have happened with the younger players because in this forgetfulness of the national team, young people also fell. And down very little is what he's cheating on. Just starting a restoration path that should be supported.

  Jorge Sampaoli: Will he continue? Do you want to continue in the office? has a contract (Juano Tesone, special correspondent)

Jorge Sampaoli: will he continue? Do you want to continue in the office? has a contract (Juano Tesone, special envoy)

Sampaoli excited, but blew all the dreams . A deep disappointment. He went from here to there with the systems and the interpreters, to the point of never repeating the training. The final list of 23 presented too many imbalances, especially in the basic positions. The choice of his 11 initials, rarely, gave the success. Not even his hand was noticed in the changes during the matches. The selection ate him with amazing ease.

  Jorge Sampaoli wants to continue, "Chiqui" Tapia will be able to support him? "Src =" "data-big =" "data-small = " [19659011] So much has been moved the floor to this selection that has swallowed <strong> Messi </strong>. Of course, Leo did not help much that it happened to him. His pbadivity against Croatia and the minimal influence against France, against the two most powerful rivals, expose him. Of course, this is not to condemn it. In such a team, abandoned for so long, it seems utopian that a genius always flies up to what it is. </p>
<p>  Another hour is coming. Whether with Messi and with a coach (Sampaoli or the one who comes) to listen to it without always saying yes. <strong> If Leo decides to take a break, take it and join the new stage. </strong> Now it will be checked precisely until the abandonment of the selection has affected its bases. Future alarms. This is not what it seems to be. </p>
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  Lionel Messi. His future in the national team is unknown. (Juano Tesone, special envoy)

Lionel Messi. His future in the national team is unknown. (Juano Tesone, special correspondent)

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