An autistic girl disapproved of almost all subjects and her father gave her an emotional newsletter


An Australian girl with autism received great joy from her father, who handed her a new ballot after she was devastated by Refused almost all subjects at school. The gesture became viral on social media and triggered a similar movement between parents and children.

Sophie Jackson 9 years old, was diagnosed with autism while she was only 3 years old. With effort and dedication, his condition did not prevent him from continuing his primary education in a traditional school. But recently she returned home crying because her gradebook was full of Grave Notes

The daughter felt that she had failed her family She did not feel like it. so did not hide his poor academic performance and he confronted his parents without any shame. Noticing the sadness of his daughter, Shane Jackson chose to get a smile with a gesture that went viral around the world : he invented his own newsletter qualifying his daughter. The notes? All were "excellent".

My daughter who has ASD received rights Ds on her report today. She cried and said "I've let everyone down" this is my grade card for her.

– Shane Jackson (@ShaneJacks) June 27, 2018

"My daughter has received everything" D "in her letter". today he started crying and said that he had "failed everyone" .It's my newsletter for her "Sophie's dad posted on Twitter.

After the love demos of the networks, the girl decided to open her own Twitter account, to thank her father for defining her as "the best girl", in addition to sharing beautiful drawings that she does every day.

"At that moment I thought I had to give her a newsletter with all the things that make her unique and make Sophie Sophie He loved her and was very lively ever since I got him given, it's the effect he was looking for, "said the loving father, as reported by the newspaper The Independent.

The story did not stop there: Baby, excited and grateful, she also wrote her father's notebook which she called "remarkable" to in all respects, except in combat.

Hey, I thought I would do a newsletter for my dad. If someone else wants to do one for their dad or mom, you can respond with a photo of that tweet. should be fun!

– SophieSideWaysSmile (@ SophieJ36713466) June 29, 2018

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