An outstanding domestic producer suffered a millionaire theft


A millionaire burglar suffers film producer Quijote Films responsible for films like "Jesus", "The worms of forgetfulness", "The man of the future" and "All back ", these last two currently in post-production

From his office, located in Ñuñoa, the material of various bands was stolen. The loss according to its balance sheets would be evaluated on 20 million pesos concentrated in working equipment such as computers and more than 200 hard disks that store audiovisual material of more than ten years.

In addition, they reported that criminals broke a door by violating the alarm system, using specialized tools such as torches.

"Beyond the obvious monetary damage, we deeply regret the total loss of our audiovisual archives where we had stored advertising, digital content, raw material for feature films and back films produced and co-produced by our company. production ", declared Ybadin Velásquez one of the owners of Quijote Films.

Although they have support for much of the co-produced material, said that an investigation is necessary because many run the risk of being hacked. [196] 59006] [ad_2]
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