Analysis of the continuity of Pekerman in Colombia – World Cup Russia 2018


Coach José Néstor Pékerman has left his mark in the history of the Colombian national team. Since his arrival more than 6 years ago in the team, the Argentinian has got, first, the World Cup standings after 16 years of national football frustrations, but his successes do not have not stayed there, considering the progress made in Brazil in 2014 The quarterfinals and, later, Russia has qualified in 2018, where England in penalty has snatched from Colombians the dream to continue in the competition.

Would you agree with the continuity of the Pekerman process in the Colombian national team? This issue, which is being discussed by all the country's football fans, was the subject of an badysis Wednesday by El Tiempo panelists of Debate Final, a program broadcast by Fox Sports [19659003]. that Pekerman should continue with the command of Colombia, because his achievements with the national team are plausible, beyond some bad matches that have been seen by the national team.

For José Orlando Ascencio, Editor-in-Chief of EL TIEMPO Sports, the technician must continue for all the goals that he has fulfilled in his years of work and we will have to wait for a surge to find out what he's doing. there is continuity in this process.

Darío Ángel Rodríguez added to this support for the continuity of the coach: "We must recognize all that Pekerman did. The majority of people consider that the management was good. know, it is that Ramón Jesurún wants to continue with the coach. "

In the badysis of the technician Luis Fernando Suárez, panelist of the program, he also considered the positive continuity, t taking into account all that generated by the players and put the group to work with a single thought.

Suárez said that one of the important values ​​that he has had in his work is credibility because the players trust him, in addition to having an interesting degree of communication.

"It was badly played, but the players showed a total commitment with Pékerman. You have to qualify for the results, they were very good," added Suárez

This idea was shared by Alexis García, guest technician of the program. In his badysis he said that the technician of Argentine origin is believed by the most important: the players

In addition, in the country it has a "spectacular atmosphere, everyone believes it."

José Orlando Ascencio added on this topic Note that according to a survey of El Tiempo, at which some 12,000 people participated, 74% felt that Pekerman should continue.

"Continuity in the selections must be necessary, there is merit in doing it, the campaign is not bad, but it is not the best." He has an extraordinary relationship with players " said Jorge Luis Pinto, a Russian panelist

Tactical change

After the consensus in the continuity of Pekerman in the national team, panelists debated what tasks should be so that the coach stays in the office.

In this case, Jorge Luis Pinto was the most critical of the work of Pekerman's technician. He said that he would like the team to have other types of more advanced concepts in terms of football. In this way, he said that certain concepts should be added in the collective and tactical functioning.

"There are teams that have a tactical fragility in the scheme that is … I'm claiming this game structure with the ball, I want to see a team of more quality, with more game concept" said the Honduran popularizer.

Coach Santander has been emphatic that he does not talk bad about Pekerman, because he considers that Colombia is a good team, but we have to continue on the scale, improve ball handling criteria.

On these aspects, the panelists agreed that the technical proposal must have some kind of transformation. You must evolve; Germany, Spain and Argentina have found themselves without his club, their football is studied and that is why rivals know how to play them. We must not stick to rigidity, football has changed, "said Alexis Garcia.

Ascencio, on the other hand, pointed out that among the sins of Pekerman in front of Colombia, despite his good work he built the team around a figure, like James and Falcao, but when he had to make variants he could not answer well.


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