Andrés Caniulef recounted how he had overcome the depression: "I was in the black maximum" | TV and show


The past few months have been difficult for the journalist Andrés Caniulef, who had to cope with episodes of depression that drove him away from television. Fortunately, the communicator begins to see the future from a more favorable point of view.

In an interview with Las Ultimas Noticias, Caniulef explained how his days were spent after this interview commented on the broadcast True Lies . The network, which gave in the middle of a crisis.

"That day was in crisis, I had not slept at all, I had a panic attack and I was taking clonazepam, which made me see. This day was the beginning of everything, "he said.

According to the journalist, two friends advised him later to start treatment at a psychiatric clinic and to initiate treatment at the Mirandes site, from where he had been released. 11 days.


Andrés added that at this location, after several sessions with a psychiatrist, he found that his relationship with his father was at the heart of his problems.

Finally, my greatest pain was that did not solve the problem with my father, it was an open wound that was trying to cover (…) When I I badumed my baduality in public, he did not understand it and created a permanent silence between the two. For my part, I thought that my family was not able to understand, because we had never spoken (…) I was in the black maximum ", pointed out

He added, "See your father crying. This is one of the strongest things, especially a father who is a soldier, a hard man. He said, "I love you, I am proud of you, you are my son and I will love you forever."

The morning Exrostro The Mañana claimed that the second part of his treatment had led him back to live at home with his parents, to reconnect with his family and his roots.

He clarified that he had had conversations to return to work, although he did not want to point out he would return to the Chilevisión space or his He would join other projects.

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