Ant-Man and Wasp is the apogee of the indifferent


The first things first Ant-Man and the Wasp relate to the events of Avengers: The Infinite War and the fingers of Thanos are breaking, but it's not something that connects with the heart of the story. Be clear that they will have to wait to see what they have prepared in this area.

Also know that this decision has a function: to make this suite valid, to install as a family film, in all the meaning of the word . In other words, this new proposal from the universe of Marvel Studios differs from the central line of its coherent universe, since it has no other mission than to give a new adventure to its main characters, using codes and game keys already seen in addition to one occasion in many other films. The new is reduced here to a few concepts and a lot of pseudo science.

In fact, compared to the first opus, Ant Man and the Wasp is very small and does not have the grace to function as a bet of a particular genre . If the previous one was a "burglary film", which is nothing more than a movie of flights with multiple vicissitudes en route, this new production is simply a proposal that works in reality more with the keys to a bet to any public in which the family must be reunited . Think of " Dear, I cried the children ", but with less "spark".

Perhaps this situation makes that, given the advance of the Marvel universe, the film installs as a bet hero-holders, giving a first impression of being an inconsequential proposition that contributes nothing to the grand panorama. However, from this perspective, there is no need for all films to be key pieces.

Just remember bad sequels like Iron Man 2 which clearly showed that there is a lot of space for error when trying to put all the eggs in the same basket. They usually just have a clear picture of what they want to do, so that their filmmakers justify a production. And this is the case of Ant-Man and Wasp .

In terms of history, the new film focuses on a direct consequence of the first Ant-Man. As Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) came in and returned to the Quantum Kingdom, Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) and his daughter, Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly), believe that it is possible to find the location of Janet Van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer), lost for decades after a failed mission. Along the way, two threats emerge: on one side, Ghost, a villain with his own agenda who wants to steal a particular technology developed by Hank, and there is also a mafia arms dealer who also wants his piece of cake.

Along the way, Lang faces a house arrest that is almost complete, following the actions he led in Germany during Captain America: Civil War in addition to maintaining a security company with his friends. which is bad to bring, consider his responsibilities as a father, take care of his behavior so as not to fall in front of the FBI's 24/7 follow-up and deal with how he ruined his relationship with the PYM, especially with Hope, after He agreed to help Steve Rogers.

It's the movie. A great family adventure in which they must try to find Janet's location while two threats, which are not precisely the most attractive in the world, jeopardize the possibility of recovering her from the Quantum Kingdom. If you wait for something more.

Roughly speaking, it's a movie to play with all the concept that involves Ant-Man, although the big novelty is The Wasp. Finally, Hope Van Dyne comes into action with his own outfit, which not only allows him to steal, but also to shrink and enlarge the objects at will, while deploying his martial arts skills that contrast with the other. brutal action by Scott Lang. When both heroes work as a team, and have the support of the characters of Michael Douglas and Michael Peña, it is when Ant-Man and Wasp works best.

The Ant-Man and the Wasp proposal is likely to be forgotten over the most relevant chapters of this cohesive universe, but there are still some elements that will surely drive their speculation. In the first post-credit scene, for example, some features of the Quantum Kingdom are mentioned which, perhaps, will be more relevant once Ant-Man is to rejoin The Avengers for the last chapter of the story against Thanos .

Beyond that, what works here is the relationships between the characters, since many of the best action sequences have unfortunately been revealed in the movie trailers. Of course, even with this, there is not much room to raise your fist in the sky and claim more than what they offer. What they do here is an exercise that exaggerates all the features of the first installment, with the best example being Luis's flashbacks or the wacky style of the exploit.

Marvel Studios after The Avengers He found the formula that opened the doors to success. With Ant-Man and Wasp do not break the schemes beyond engaging in telling a particularly small story, far from the central canon of the history of his cinematic superheroes universe, that Although this is a forgettable adventure, it does not represent a step back

So much, after leaving the cinema, it's easy to get into the dynamics of "if I've seen, I do not do not remember, "here at least try not to follow the ballast of excessive attachment to continuity. It's more than enough. To hope for something a little more different from the usual, you will probably have to wait Captain Marvel . And it is like that, because the little machine drags in these episodic productions in series where all the chapters do not have to be the most important. Some can be solved in the fill and this movie shows that just Marvel Studios do just that.

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