Aries – Monday, July 9, 2018: you end a phase of confusion


Astrological News: The Moon is in transit from Taurus to Gemini. The Mars planets, which are your source, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and the planetoid Pluto, are retrograde.

The pbadage from the moon to the air element creates a rainbow of possibilities in your horoscope because you feel more flexible, more willing to forgive the offenses and leave behind any situation that might cause sadness or relationship problems. whether friends or lovers.

At the same time, the retrograde action of your regent Mars requires you greater discretion when it comes to touching sensitive or sensitive topics with others. Fortunately, you are ending a phase of confusion that has caused you difficulty in your relationships with others.


This is your Monday of important decisions, Arian. The influence of the Moon and Mercury creates a new sentimental horizon that projects you in new directions, especially if you are single or single because you are about to start something beautiful that will shockingly transform this second half of the year. 19659004] Health

All you need to feel good is balance, Aries. A little rest and combine your physical activity with a good diet will help you find the ground you could have lost by neglecting your lifestyle, Aries.


There are good cosmic effluvies in your field of work and the most important is happening among Arians waiting for answers badociated with legal problems or similar situations. However, as your regent is retrograde, some procedures will take a little longer than the count, so patience! It's hard for Aries, but not impossible.

Money and Fortune

There is money in sight in a business that is about to crystallize, but that has been stalled for reasons beyond your control. There will be an extra expense, but do not worry because you will soon recover the initial investment you have made and the results will be better than expected.

Astrological biorhythm of today

Level of badual energy on Monday: moderate.
Cosmic dynamics from which you should take advantage: your natural dynamism with a tone of caution that at the moment envelops you and helps you better understand the circumstances that you have in front of you.
Dangerous trend today in your Aries sign: make decisions festive or hasty.
What should I avoid ?: Rushing when I listen to a speaker and with the desire to respond immediately ignore the essence of what they tell me [19659004] Prediction of a couple for today monday

Today 's best relationship: This Monday things will go very well for you if your partner is a sign of fire like the yours, also Sagittarius and very well with Libra. There could be good compatibility with Taurus, even if it is crushed.
The most tense relationship: be careful when talking with Capricorn or Pisces.
Your current compatibility: there is a good wave of compatibility with all the signs of fire and air, not so in the case of water, especially Scorpion.
If you are single or single: you will soon enter a new sentimental stage whose results will be more than promising and beautiful in your sentimental and Arian life.

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