"Arturo Vidal and Claudio Bravo should think about Chile" »PrensaFútbol


Friday, June 29, 2018


The Manchester United striker comments on the differences between Claudio Bravo and Arturo Vidal, a situation that he believes should be resolved at the earliest, as he considers that the & # 39; Red & # 39; is not it. He can afford to do without one of his figures. In addition, he said that he still regrets not going to the World Cup.

Alexis Sánchez took advantage of his vacation to give a press conference at the National Stadium, an opportunity in which he gave his opinion on one of the major problems that surrounded the Chilean national team the latter time: the dispute between Arturo Vidal and Claudio Bravo

"Claudio and Arturo are mature and intelligent people, who want to give joy to the national team and the people I want to win titles and we are not not Brazil who has 50 players to choose from, we are Chile and we have a reality.Getting the privilege of taking a player or two is not possible. "

Tocopillano added that" Claudio Bravo and Arturo Vidal should think about Chile and sit down and talk at some point.There are no other players like them.They have to think about their future in the national team, leave their conflicts aside and think of the good of the team. "[19659005] The "Wonder Child" also claimed that "I am still angry at not going to the World Cup. who are not above us there. In September, there is a match and we will start to get rid of this anger. The outside is more valued than what we have. "

Alexis also said that" I hope to reach the 2022 Qatar World Cup, play and also win another Copa America. I want to win more with the national team. I want to be an example to the kids and continue to score goals to stay as a historic scorer. "

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