Arturo Vidal's competitors continue to fall because of an injury in Barcelona


Arturo Vidal has struggled to make himself known since his arrival in Barcelona in the middle of the year. In an area where the property of Ivan Rakitic and Sergio Busquets was more than clear, the Chilean had to open the post at the Brazilian Arthur reinforcement that was also for this season. And as the king was recovering from a knee injury, it is the Brazilian who kept the place in the starting lineup.

However, despite the complexity of the struggle for property, Vidal ordered to add bonuses with two goals so far this season, a little more or nothing less than Real Madrid, and that is why he is the first choice of coach Ernesto Valverde and was like the last weekend, during the match against Atletico Madrid, he entered from the beginning to take the position of the wounded Ivan Rakitic, sharing the midfield with Arthur and Busquets and doing appropriate work tied with a goal.

Rey seemed to be back on the bench for the restart before Ivan Rakitic, which will allow him to return in the middle of the week. None of this would happen and Vidal would maintain his starting position, although it was to take Arthur's post, which was overcharged and was ruled out for the meeting with the Dutch.

Thus, Arthur joins the long infirmary that owns Barcelona and where Luis Suarez also came, who presented a discomfort to the right knee and will be absent from the field for nearly two weeks. In addition, we must also add substitute goalkeeper Jasper Cillessen and those who were previously: Sergi Roberto, Samper and Vermaelen.

The match between PSV and Barcelona will take place in the Netherlands on Wednesday, December 28th from 5 pm : 00 hours from our country.

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