For idol, Argentina is the indicated to make an integral plan in the Cacique.
José Pékerman is one of the options offered by Colo Colo to the bench after the departure of Argentina from the Colombian team. However, its high cost would hinder a possible negotiation.
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Given the foregoing, Marcelo Barticciotto gave his opinion. "Today, I read that Pékerman was earning $ 2 million (a year) in the Colombian national team and that Colo Colo found him very tall. is cheap " said the idol outdoors in Cooperativa.
And receiving the argument of economic problems, the 7 said that "never have money." If one wants to improve the subject of lower divisions than the first team, the name is called Pekerman It organizes everything.This is not an expense, it is an investment. "
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Finally, Barti stated that "Colo Colo must have the direction to bring such a technician. Who would not be interested in such a technician in the country?"
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