At dawn, in a street fight, a 25-year-old footballer was killed


C 'arrived in Hurlingham, when two groups of young people were talking in the street and the victim was stabbed in the chest

  At dawn, in a street fight, a football player 25 years old was killed

and Oviedo betancourt, in the street / web

It all started with a forbidden dawn, between groups of young people crossing the street, leaving a brewery located in Hurlingham. And it ended with the worst: Facundo Espíndola, 25 years old, athlete, with a recent past as the guardian of Club Almagro in the federal capital, died following the stabbing now charged by another young footballer, Nahuel Alejandro Oviedo Betancourt, 28, who crossed Hurricane and currently serves as before at San Telmo, another institution of the metropolitan football promotion divisions.

According to police sources, the crime sequence began when Espíndola and eight friends, after leaving a bar, they started down the avenue Arturo Jauretche, singing and shouting.

It was then that Ever, a citizen of Paraguay who owns a white Peugeot 308 who was in Oviedo, told them: "You do not think much screaming." It was 6.39, when Espíndola and Oviedo clashed and started fighting in the street, just around the corner from the bar. Four minutes later, Espíndola left for a local meal, about 50 meters away.

Behind him was the Peugeot. Oviedo, got out of the car and gave a deep pointed Espindola. The wound was in the right chest and he died almost in the act. Ever and Oviedo were arrested 10 minutes later.


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