AT THE MOMENT! "Dragon Ball Super: Broly" opens in Japan


The most anticipated film "Dragon Ball Super: Broly" was screened on Japanese screens and about five thousand spectators had the chance to enjoy it. his first projection.

Although a month is missing for the official release of the long-awaited animation film "Dragon Ball Super: Broly" its special function the famous reciento Nippon Budokan, in Japan which brought together celebrities linked to the group.

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Absence of Akira Toriya was obvious to the audience, so it was said that the celebrity usually had a weak presence in public, those who did not miss were, of course, the director of the film Tatsuya . Nagamine [19659004]

The main voices of "Dragon Ball Super: Broly", by Masako Nozawa (Goku), Ryo Horikawa (Vegeta), Ryusei Nakao (freezer), Toshio Furukawa (Piccolo), Katsuhisa Houki (Paragus) and Bin Shimada (Broly), also attended his first big-screen screening.

INFORMATION. In addition, about people who often forget these stories, the real ones, what counts and who push Dragon Ball to be what it is. Today, something very unpleasant happened in the Japanese version of Dragon Ball Super Broly.

– Antonio Sánchez-Migallón Jiménez (@MrKaytos)
14 November 2018

Among the first comments, it is said that the battles were "really intense" and the unexpected end "a work of art" . ] The legendary film will be released in Japan December 14 but it will be only in 2019 that the whole world will be delighted with the long-awaited film "Dragon Ball Super: Broly."


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