"Avengers 4": the protagonist of "13 reasons why" would act in the film | Television | Hollywood


After playing a role in Netflix's series "13 Reasons Why," Katherine Langford would take his career to a higher level by playing in the Marvel film universe such as announced by the specialized media.

According to the report of The Wrap, Katherine Langford joined the cast of "Avengers 4" and although his role in the film was unknown, the medium indicated that the Actress would have filmed her scenes.

Katherine Langford, after becoming known for playing in the popular series "13 Reasons Why", has received several job offers, including this one Netflix "Cursed", which will deal with the legend of King Arthur.

Marvel tries to keep the details of the film secret, but new rumors appear, such as the release date of the trailer and now the eventual party Chapter 13 "13 Reason Why"

The film "Avengers 4", written by Markus and Stephen McFeely, is scheduled to premiere on May 3, 2019.

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