Bad news for the U: Leandro Benegas will be two to three weeks due to an injury


A terrible news was that received by the coach of the U, Frank Darío Kudelka: in the afternoon of this Monday it was confirmed that the following day, striker Leandro Venegas, will be two to three weeks on the courts, due to a disease of muscular origin, in his left hamstring left.

The information was provided by the medical team of the university: "Leandro Benegas presents a myofascial muscular injury in his hamstring on the left, which will require a time recovery from two to three weeks, " reported Fernando Radice, chief of the section, after checking the front.

Venegas, who had an acceptable badignment on the first day of the second round of the national championship, even scored the first number of the Blues, in the draw with two goals against Huachipato, last Sunday. However, he had to leave the match due to an injury at the minute 50, being replaced by Isaac Díaz.

Coincidentally Benegas is injured again before the cast steel. Last year, in August, the attacker suffered a ligament tear which took him six months.

A lower variant for Kudelka, who must define the replacement of the striker for the next matches of the tournament, initially ahead of Deportes Antofagasta and Audax Italiano.

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