Bahia confirms the formal offer of Racing by Eugenio Mena: "It will be resolved this week" | Soccer


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Rodrigo Saenz / Archive Agencia UNO

The Board of Bahia informed that at the latest this week they will give an answer to the interests of the Racing Club of Argentina for the Chilean side Eugenio Mena who received an attractive offer from the "Academy".

The director of Bahia football, Diego Cerri told the Brazilian press that "Mena received a proposal from Racing, it is something that was announced some time ago and discussed, but nothing is yet defined. "

" It's something that our people must solve this week, for themselves and no, we need to A solution these days, we are not talking about values, but I confirm that the offer exists and that we badyze what to do " added the leader

A few days ago, the former Santiago Wanderers and the University of Chile indicated that "Racing is a great team from Argentina, and I am delighted to see you.

In this way, the "Chueco" could end four years of residence in Brazil, where he defended the houses of Santos, Cruzeiro , Sao Paulo, Sport Recife and Bahia.

Recall that Racing Mena could meet the Chilean goalkeeper and chose Gabriel Arias, who also joined the upcoming season.

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