Bayern President hit Özil after his resignation: "Years ago his game is a trash" – 23/07/2018


The resignation of Mesut Özil to the German national team gives way to discussions in the world of football. The midfielder announced Sunday that he was leaving the team of Joachim Löw, annoyed by critics that he had received after taking a photo with Erdogan, the Turkish president. But this Monday, his critics have redoubled the bet

"I'm glad the nightmare is over. For years his game was a trash The last duel that he won was before the 2014 World Cup. And now he was protecting himself and his shitty game behind this picture, "said Uli Hoeness, president of Bayern Munich , according to the newspaper Bild. [19659004Etilpursuits:" Whenever we played against Arsenal – team in which Özil plays – we were looking for him because he was the weak point he shines only when he plays against Saint- Marin, his 35 million "fans", do not exist in the real world, they think they play in an exceptional way when they hit a cross ball. "

"The evolution in our country is a disaster, we must reduce it to what it is: the sport.Ozil has brought nothing to salt National action for years. years, "concluded Hoeness.

These past two weeks have given me time to reflect and reflect on the events of the past few months. Therefore, I want to share my thoughts and feelings about what happened.

– Mesut Özil (@ MesutOzil1088) July 22, 2018

Özil had announced this Sunday his retirement from the selected, with 29 years, with a letter in the networks in which he was annoyed by the critics received. "I have two hearts, a German and a Turkish, I was born and I was educated in Germany, why are there people who still do not accept that I am German? ? "Asked the 2014 world champion in Brazil. Taking a photo with President Erdogan has nothing to do with politics or elections, but with respect for the maximum position in the country of my family, "he explained. In Germany, they do not forgive him.

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