Bayern's DT has increased the puzzle about Vidal's future


The coach of Bayern Munich, Niko Kovac, spoke Friday of the situation in the Bavarian box Arturo Vidal, who does not participate in pre-season matches He recovers completely from his operation on the knee and also looks like a new signature for Inter Milan.

  • Bayern
  • Midfielder
  • Chile

Kovac was very brief about what is happening with Chileans in the team and his few words did not clarify the situation. "Arturo is recovering, we hope that it will come back to us as soon as possible, I can not say anything else", said that the coach was consulted on what is happening with Vidal.

mid-next year and, as Bayern has not ruled in this regard, it is taken for granted that they will not offer a new link. Therefore, the January 2019 Chilean could negotiate with any other club as a free player.

The Bavarians seek to prevent the Chilean from leaving Germany without receiving any money back. They are negotiating with Inter but have not reached an agreement on the amount of the transfer: asks for 30 million euros and the Italians only want to cancel until up to 20.

  Escudo / Flag Bavaria


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