"Being a woman, they believe that she is complicit?": Luz Valdivieso defends Paz Bascuñán from criticism


As we reported at the time, this Monday, the recordings of "Hazte hombre", the new film of the former producer of Nicolás López, "Sobras", and of which Javiera Contador came out after the accusations of

According to the slogan of La Tercera, actress Luz Valdivieso, who was on the set and spoke with a colleague about the critics who fell in the last hours against Paz. Bascuñán, who is close to the denounced filmmaker and they signal it like a sort of "necubridora", since her husband, Miguel Ángel Asensio, is also a member of López.

"I am not going to defend Nicolás López from the victims, but for Miguel Asensio, I put my hands on the fire and he becomes another victim, why disqualify Paz Bascuñán and her husband? done with them is an unwarranted abuse.As a woman, do you think she's complicit? Here they do not focus on the victims as they should be, but they want to harm the l & # 39;

According to the same note, Asensio would evaluate a complaint against the publication of Revista Sábado. "I doubt any hints where they insinuate that Asensio was a cover of harbadment that women denounce against Nicolás López. He is an impeccable person, with an exceptional work contract with his team. I was part of it as a worker and as a friend. The fact that it affects him in a collateral way is an injustice and, according to this logic, I understand that he wants to bring a lawsuit, "explained the actor Marcial Tagle

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