Belgium has forgotten speculation, defeated England and headed for the "death zone" of the World Cup


Sometimes, in football, it is convenient "not to win". That happened in the duel between Belgium and England both clbadified in the eighth and finishing Group H. Whoever was first in the zone would go to the most difficult to the table. final phase, so it was a rare match, which finally unlocked the Red Devils, who eventually won by 1-0 .

Both went out to speculate, that's for sure. None wanted to win because the team that would be second would be in the best frame for the finals of the Cup.

More obvious was when the Belgians kicked, to put it in a strange way, that left them English in the Fair Play. The yellows went to Tielemans and Dendoncker.

Despite these suspicions, it is the team of Roberto Martínez that generated the best chances. First of all Cahill saved her from the line and Tielemans made the young Pickford work. But the goal did not fall.

  England They did not do much harm to victory / Getty

In the second part the commitment was more open, and the Red Devils forgot the speculations to put the 1 -0, thanks to a goal from Adnan Januzaj, author of a shot of the left foot in the English corner. They played the 51's.

Marcus Rashford had it after the card, the shoulder of Manchester United came just in goal request, but it was incredibly wide, before the departure of Courtois

. small and nothing. The English did not want to attack, the Belgians were satisfied with the result. England will challenge Colombia in the second round, while Belgium was in the toughest part of the draw and will now face Japan, but with Brazil on the horizon.

Thus we live minute by minute

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