Beñat and the UC: For there to be incorporations, there must be departures


The Technician of Universidad Católica the Spanish Beñat San José commented Friday the present of the team before his debut in the second round of the Championship National when this Saturday at 17:30 hours is measured in San Carlos de Apoquindo before Sports Iquique by date 16, with arbitration by the judge Piero Maza .

. Press conference of the precordillera, the Hispanic strategist pointed to the location in the return of the tournament, saying that " will be a pleasure to play again in San Carlos, with our fans." I always says that there is a special energy and we have a plus in our stadium . "

On the rival, formed by Miguel Riffo he declared that" Iquique is a team with good players with a technician who offers interesting things . "

In addition, he mentioned the points to correct in the leader of Chilean football, ensuring that" it is very important to continue with the basics that he gave us both in the first round, improve the game of attack and have a larger offensive volume . "

In that sense, he commented [19659006] lack of employment among the Crusaders who only signed the Argentine striker e Sebastián Sáez while they lost to Fernando Cordero . " We believe that for there to be additions there must also be exits, we have no players left In the square of the alien we believe that it was necessary to increase the competition and the reference above . "

Finally, he discussed the situation of Jaime Carreño who n 39; Not the confidence of the DT during the first part of the year, saying that " all the players who do not have as much presence would like to have more minutes on the field ." " There have been some comments about Jaime they have not been certain, because we have a good relationship with him ", closed Beñat San José .

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