Beñat San José after the UC triumph: "It's a step we did, but they stay"


As expected, Beñat San José did not hide his happiness after the triumph of the Universidad Católica in front of the Universidad de Concepción thanks to the solitary annotation from Andrés Vilches at 64 minutes, with which the crusaders won the summit of the National Championship and ended up with the first option to be champions.

The Spaniards highlighted the victory against a direct rival and the UC campus, which had several bbad in the game.

" The truth was a very important victory for everything, for the points, for the direct rival, for the fans. This was important for the representation that the team gave as that they have all been sensational, congratulate the players who are responsible for this great triumph, "he said at a press conference.

"We said it openly, despite the difficulties we had this week, nothing excused us for this game, which was a final and represents a big step forward. is still written "he added.

The former strategist of Bolívar also spoke of the University Clbadic next week before that of Universidad de Chile . arrives at a great moment: " Our intention is to go win it and leave with everything.This happens at an ideal time. But you have to train with everything because it will be very difficult and we have taken a very important step. "

" Truth, like today, was the opportunity to achieve a triumph that gives us many things and recognizes many things about this team and this past. The first thing to do will be to continue in our goal, a visit victory that will make three points to be able to leave the champion.And it is a clbadic, it will be a pride to be able to win [19459008"

As was the tone of the DT of the fringe, highlighted the difficulty of the national tournament:" We have taken an important step, but the closest we have is the clbadic. In football, everything costs more, more in the Chilean league, that there are good teams. This is a step we have taken, but we still have four steps that we must take very firmly.

In addition, San Jose declared going to the national stadium to play with the "U" and declared that it was difficult to play, but they will go with everything to play the clbadic.

"Always visit is complex, the local team manages the field and has more support from the fans. But we will prepare the match in the best possible way, we respect the coach of the "U" and the team. We respect the clbadic. We know that the scenario is complicated, but also more motivating. "

¡Gooooooool! 1945
It is so that we have the goal of Andrés Vilches for the triumph of #LosCruzados

Let's go Catholic! 19

– Catholic University (@CruzadosSADP) October 21, 2018

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