Blow for fans of The Walking Dead: "Rick" has confirmed that he is leaving the series – 20/07/2018


Rumors and versions finally became true in the protagonist's own mouth. Andrew Lincoln Sheriff Rick Grimes in " The Walking Dead", confirmed this Friday that he will leave the popular series of zombies in his ninth season.

"I do not want it to be an obituary. This series has changed my life in so many ways." Being able to address Comic-Con fans means a lot because you get a direct response. Why we do the series, I want to look them in the eye and address them with respect, "said the actor to the media before attending Comic-Con in San Diego, California.

" This will be my last season playing the role of Rick Grimes. I like this show. It means everything to me. I like the people who make this show. I especially like people who watch this show. "- Andrew Lincoln #TWD #SDCC

– The AMC Walking Dead (@WalkingDead_AMC) July 20, 2018

" I only have the gratitude and the Love for the whole team. " added the 44 year old British performer, who played Rick for over a hundred episodes and was present from the first episode of the series, Robert Kirkman [19659008] The specialized website Collider badured at the end of May that the actor would only participate in six of the twelve episodes of the ninth season, the first of which will take place on October 8. This Friday the first trailer was released.

Norman Reedus, the artist who gives life to Daryl Dixon will be responsible for directing the series after the departure of Lincoln, for which he negotiated a contract Norman Reedus, in his role of Daryl, will take the lead of the group ” observer=”” data-observer-function=”loadLazyImg”/>

Norman Reedus, in his role of Daryl, will take the lead of the group

"Andrew is my best friend. That's the only thing I can say about it, "said the actor in an allusion to Lincoln's farewell

" The Walking Dead "is the only thing I can say about it," said the actor. one of the most successful series in the last years in the United States although, with the pbadage of time, his hearing descends.

According to the specialized media Variety, the last episode of the eighth edition of the show, broadcast on April 15, was the last season episode of the series with the smallest number of viewers since its release. Initial chapters in 2010.

The ninth season will feature Angela Kang as "showrunner" (maximum responsible for a series) to replace Scott Gimple and the plot will include a leap in before

  farewell to his companions Andrew Lincoln, in Comic-Con.

Farewell embrace of his companions to Andrew Lincoln, in Comic-Con.

"The scenario of this season is beautiful and has some of my favorite moments from the series" says Lincoln.

Reedus, meanwhile, said that the number of hours spent together in the forests of Georgia, these relationships transcend the screen. "I think it gives him an extra layer of realism, we fight as a family and we talk to each other, we are alone in the middle of nowhere and everything feels very real."

Kang has advanced some details of the raging war argument in the eighth season, the viewer will see how the group and the rest of the survivors are trying to build a civilization.

Source: EFE

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