Boca beats Palmeiras and gets closer to the final of Libertadores



Darío Benedetto played the first leg in the semifinals of the Copa Libertadores with a double that earned him the victory against Boca Juniors on Wednesday, 2-0 against the visitor Palmeiras [19659004] and this brings up the team "xeneize" to the desired final.

Six times crowned in the maximum continental competition – a title of the historic maximum of the same year, Independiente also Argentine – Boca aspires to reach his third final since 2007 when he won the trophy for the last once, elusive for Palmeiras in the last 17 years.

Tuesday, in the other crossing for the penultimate round, current champion and three-time winner of the continental tournament the Gremio of Porto Alegre, also Brazilian, won 1 -0 over the rival arena of Boca, River Plate, thanks to a header from Michel after a 62-minute corner.

The next match in Buenos Aires doubles the goals scored at the Monumental stadium . the previous night, although with only one protagonist in La Bombonera: Benedetto.

The Boca striker, already cured of an injury, broke his drought by scoring twice in the match against . Palmeiras.

The Bombonera celebrates Benedetto's first goal, also after a header at 83 minutes, and eventually breaks with the second at 88: a real goal with a balcony crack n zapatazo final network, esquinado and halfway.

The striker, entered as a substitute in the match after being recovered from an injury, was the figure of Boca when the previous Super League champion campaign, but has not been converted since November. Last year.

" I always said that I was coming to join Boca where I was.Today, fortunately, the goals were scored in the semifinal. I am very happy because we played well against a very tough opponent who had a great match, we took a big advantage, but nothing is definite, "said Benedetto.

River coach Marcelo Gallardo was confident in his attempts to invert the semifinal "We are a solid team, we can win as a visitor and we will go with this illusion and this mentality, we do not We do not have any, "he concluded.

River was last champion in 2015, with Gallardo at the helm. 19659013]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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