"Bohemian Rhapsody": the first critics to the film of Queen Leave and they demolish | Lights | The movie theater


"" The long-awaited film Bohemian Rhapsody "on Freddie Mercury and the Queen band will be released in theaters in November, but the first reviews are already available on the web … and most final result is very hard

Although the work of Rami Malek (as a unique native singer from Zanzibar) is well reviewed, critics consider that "Bohemian Rhapsody" is not a film that lives up to expectations. .

Here are the critics of the major film media:

"New York Post": "The long-awaited biography of the Queen's chief, Freddie Mercury, came after eight years of work, with changes of protagonists and Director: All this calamity has been detrimental to one of the best rock and roll singers of all time. "Bohemian Rhapsody" has a shallow screenplay, great presentations and it looks like it was filmed in a sauna. "

"IndiWire": "All you need to know about" Bohemian Rhapsody ", a remote, frivolous and useless biographical formula on an inimitable band of misfits, can be deduced from a graph that appears at the screen in big letters He begins his first tour in the United States: "In the US Midwest", not "Cleveland", "Detroit" or "Kansas City", but "In the US Midwest". even a comma, that's the degree of specificity at play here. "

" The Independent ":" "Bohemian Rhapsody" suffers contradictory intentions: he wants to party both in the # The story of the group and at the same time, to serve as a biographical film satisfying Mercury, the latter being the most abused, despite all the efforts of Malek. "

" Variety ":" With a performance like that of Rami Malek why is not it "bohemian"? Rhapsody? a better movie? (…) Despite its electrifying theme, no We are faced with old conventional school, in the middle of the road, carved and dried, which puts on insurance, a movie that slips through events instead of sinking. And this concerns Freddie's personal life (his badual and romantic identity, his loneliness, his reckless adventures in gay clubs) with gloves, so even if the movie does not tell big lies, you do not feel any closer either from a true story. "[19659008]" US Magazine ":" It's not just fantasy. With enthusiasm and soul, the actor offers one of the most outstanding performances of the year. And he only converts the biographical formula of "Bohemian Rhapsody" into a fascinating piece of character. Their goes well beyond an imitation. (…) The film itself, however, will not stomp you and will applaud you with unbridled joy. "

" Bohemian Rhapsody "will make its debut in Peru on Thursday, November 1.

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